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Questions that are helpful in detecting possible narcolepsy

Questions that are helpful in detecting possible narcolepsy
Question Implication
Are you sleepy most of the day? Sleepiness present, but could be caused by a variety of conditions
Do you feel rested upon waking in the morning? Are your naps refreshing? Sleepiness probably not caused by poor quality sleep (eg, sleep apnea, etc)
Do you have vivid dreams during daytime naps? Possible REM sleep during naps
Do you ever have muscle weakness when you tell a joke or laugh? Cataplexy
Do you ever see, hear, or feel things that you know aren't there as you are falling asleep? Hypnagogic hallucinations
Are you ever unable to move when you first awake or just before falling asleep? Sleep paralysis
Over the last two weeks, how often have you fallen asleep when you did not intend to?  Functional impact of daytime sleepiness; complements the Epworth Sleepiness Score
REM: rapid eye movement.
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