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Medicine is rightly one of the most useful and sensitive jobs in the world, and physicians must constantly update their knowledge with the increasing progress in this sensitive science. The uptodate platform is one of the most up-to-date platforms for physicians around the world. We understand that some doctors are not able to buy a subscription account to this platform for various financial reasons, and we also know that inserting a lot of ads, opening pop-up pages, inappropriate and fake ads, etc. is not worth your time and patience. But the good news is that for the first time in the world, you can have free access to all uptodate services on this site. But if you would like us to be able to continue our activities, you can copy the wallet address below to donate the desired amount, albeit a small one, and write your message and name as a souvenir for us.

USDT (BEP20) 0xc8De73B33E5E231a910F446Ba98b5ed450e6EDe2

USDT (ERC20) 0xc8De73B33E5E231a910F446Ba98b5ed450e6EDe2

Bitcoin (Coin) bc1qakdnw5m3f75w6qemke0jhezvdggqesm80mqhfk

Ethereum (ETH) 0xc8De73B33E5E231a910F446Ba98b5ed450e6EDe2

WebMoney (WMZ) Z707674558641

some of donators, we thanks them to help us: Dr. Amin Bahreini, Dr. Moe Jalali, Emami, Anastag, Zongsheng Lee, Zahra Mozaheb

🔰 توضیحات دیگر :
هدف از تشکیل این وب سایت صرفا این است که تمام منابع آپتودیت که موردنیاز پزشکان کشوراست به صورت آنلاین و قابل دسترس در هر لحظه با هر نوع موبایل (اندروید و اپل) یا کامپیوتر باشد.

در آخر هم از آنجایی که برای ساخت و جمع آوری مقالات زحمت و هزینه ی زیادی صرف شده است پایین تر لینکی قرار میدم تا اگر تمایل داشتید بتونید از ما حمایت کنید تا بنده هم با انگیزه ی بیشتری بتونم آپتودیت رو تکمیل کنم.
پیشاپیش ممنون از همگی❤️❤️