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Overview of features included in the different classification criteria sets for AS and SpA

Overview of features included in the different classification criteria sets for AS and SpA
Features of criteria Modified New York criteria Amor criteria ESSG criteria ASAS axial SpA criteria ASAS peripheral SpA criteria
Year of publication 1984 1990 1991 2009 2011
Inclusion or entry criteria Sacroiliitis on radiograph* plus ≥1 clinical criterion None, fulfillment of criteria requires a score of ≥6 points, assigned on the basis of clinical features that are considered from the list below; weightings for each feature are shown in parentheses Either IBP or synovitis (asymmetric or predominantly of the lower limbs), plus at least one other SpA feature ≥3 months' back pain before age 45 years and either sacroiliitis on imaging (radiographs or MRI) plus ≥1 other SpA feature (imaging arm) or HLA-B27-positive plus ≥2 other SpA features (clinical arm) Arthritis, enthesitis or dactylitis plus ≥1 SpA feature marked witha or ≥2 other SpA features marked withb
SpA features to be considered
IBP X X √ (ever)b
Alternating buttock pain X √ or gluteal pain (1 point) X X
Pain at night or morning stiffness X √ (1 point) X X X
Arthritis X √ asymmetrical oligoarthritis (2 points) X b
Dactylitis X √ (2 points) X b
Enthesitis (heel) X √ (2 points) b
Good response to NSAIDs X √ (2 points) X X
Psoriasis X √ (2 points)Δ a
Inflammatory bowel disease X √ (2 points)Δ a
Balanitis X √ (2 points)Δ X X X
Uveitis X √ (2 points) X a
Diarrhea <1 month before onset arthritis X √ (1 point) X X
Urethritis/cervicitis <1 month before onset arthritis X √ (1 point) X X
Preceding infection X X X X a
Positive family history for SpA§ X √ (2 points)¥ b
HLA-B27 X √ (2 points)¥ X a
Elevated CRP X X X X
Sacroiliitis Not applicable (see: 'Inclusion or entry criteria' above) √ (radiographic*; 3 points) √ (radiographic*) Not applicable (see: 'Inclusion or entry criteria' above) a (radiographic* or MRI-detected)
Limitation in mobility of lumbar spine X X X X
Limitation in chest expansion X X X X
AS: ankylosing spondylitis; SpA: spondyloarthritis; ESSG: European Spondyloarthropathy Study Group; ASAS: Assessment of SpondyloArthritis International Society; IBP: inflammatory back pain; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; HLA-B27: human leukocyte antigen-B27; NSAIDs: nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs; CRP: C-reactive protein.
​​​​* Radiographic sacroiliitis is considered present when at least grade 2 bilaterally or grade 3 to 4 unilaterally.
¶ Different definitions for IBP exist for the different criteria sets.
Δ Presence of psoriasis, balanitis, or inflammatory bowel disease is considered as one item, and 2 points are given in total if at least one is present.
Presence of either urethritis/cervicitis or acute diarrhea within one month before onset of arthritis is sufficient to fulfill this SpA feature in the ESSG criteria.
§ Different definitions for a positive family history exist for the different criteria sets.
¥ Presence of either HLA-B27 positivity or a positive family history is sufficient to obtain the score of 2 points.
Reprinted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Nature Reviews Rheumatology. van Tubergen A, Weber U. Diagnosis and classification in spondyloarthritis: identifying a chameleon. Nat Rev Rheumatol 2012; 8:253. Copyright © 2012.
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