Your activity: 14 p.v.

PCC products available in the United States*

PCC products available in the United States*
Unactivated prothrombin complex concentrates (PCCs)
4 factor:
  • Kcentra

Contains inactive forms of 4 factors: Factors II, VII, IX, and X

Also contains heparin

3 factor:
  • Profilnine

Contains inactive forms of 3 factors: Factors II, IX, and X

Contains little or no factor VII

Does not contain heparin

Activated prothrombin complex concentrate (aPCC)
4 factor:

Contains 4 factors: Factors II, VII, IX, and X. Of these, only factor VII is mostly the activated form

Does not contain heparin

The table lists 4-factor and 3-factor PCC products available in the United States. Kcentra is available as Beriplex in Canada. Bebulin (a 3-factor PCC) was discontinued in 2018 due to decreased demand for the product. Potency is determined differently for different products; refer to product information. All PCCs are plasma derived and contain other proteins, including anticoagulant proteins (proteins C and S). Unactivated factors are proenzymes (inactive precursor proteins). Activated factors have higher enzymatic activity. Refer to UpToDate topics for use of these products.
US: United States; PCC: prothrombin complex concentrate; FEIBA: factor eight inhibitor bypassing activity.
* Other 4-factor PCCs available outside the US include Octaplex and Cofact Proplex. 
¶ Single-factor recombinant activated factor VII (rFVIIa) products are also available.
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