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Overview of contraceptive methods

Overview of contraceptive methods
Characteristics Copper IUD Levonorgestrel-releasing IUD Contraceptive pill, patch, or ring Etonogestrel implant DMPA Male condom Diaphragm
Pregnancy rate in the first year of use in a typical patient <1 <1 4 to 7 <1 4 to 7 13 13
Duration of efficacy 10 years 3 to 5 years (depending on type) Use daily (pill), weekly (patch), monthly (ring) 3 years 12 weeks Single use at the time of each coital act Reusable; must be inserted before coitus and used with a spermicidal cream/gel
Hormonal exposure None Progestin Estrogen and progestin Progestin Progestin None None
Effect on menses May be heavier Lighter, irregular especially in first 3 to 6 months Lighter, regular predictable withdrawal bleeding with cyclic use Lighter, irregular Lighter, irregular None None
Unscheduled bleeding/spotting Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Not a good choice for otherwise healthy patients* with: Heavy or painful periods, iron deficiency anemia, severe distortion of uterine cavity, copper allergy or Wilson disease, active pelvic infection Severe distortion of uterine cavity, active pelvic infection, poor tolerance of amenorrhea or unscheduled bleeding, sensitive to hormonal side effects Contraindications to using exogenous estrogen or who are sensitive to estrogen-related side effects (eg, nausea, breast tenderness, headache, etc), patients over 35 years who smoke Poor tolerance of amenorrhea or unscheduled bleeding Poor tolerance of amenorrhea or unscheduled bleeding or known preexisting low bone mineral density, or who want to get pregnant quickly upon discontinuation Sensitivity or allergy to latex (non-latex condoms are available), male partner who won't use the method Sensitivity or allergy to latex (non-latex diaphragms are available), pelvic relaxation, difficulty with insertion or care of the diaphragm
Access Must be inserted and removed by a clinician Must be inserted and removed by a clinician Prescription Must be inserted and removed through a tiny skin incision by a clinician with special training Injection by a clinician Over-the-counter Prescription
Selected adverse events Uterine perforation, expulsion, increased risk of pelvic infection in the first 20 days after insertion Uterine perforation, expulsion, increased risk of pelvic infection in the first 20 days after insertion Increased risk of venous thrombosis, hepatic adenoma Infection or scarring at insertion/removal site, difficult removal May cause weight gain, mood changes, and osteopenia (with long-term use) Condom may break May increase risk of urinary tract infection
Selected advantages Highly effective long-acting method that can be used by patients who must or choose to avoid exogenous hormones Reduction in menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, and endometrial hyperplasia Benefits of estrogen include a reduction in dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, acne vulgaris, and vasomotor symptoms (perimenopausal patients) Highly effective long-acting method that can be used by patients who must or choose to avoid estrogen Effective prolonged contraception that can be used by patients who must or choose to avoid estrogen Best protection against sexually transmitted infections Low-cost and reusable

IUD: intrauterine device; DMPA: depot medroxyprogesterone acetate.

* For patients with current or prior medical disorders, refer to a resource such as United States Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use (USMEC) (available at
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