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Tips for managing jet lag

Tips for managing jet lag
  If you are traveling east If you are traveling west
Before travel
  • Starting 3 days before your trip, make your bedtime and wake time 30 minutes earlier each day. For example:
    • If you normally wake up at 7:00, try waking up at 6:30, then at 6:00, then at 5:30.
    • If you normally go to bed at 11:00, try going to bed at 10:30, then at 10:00, then at 9:30.
  • To help with this, try to be around bright light within a few hours of waking up in the morning, and avoid lights (including electronics) around bedtime.
  • Starting 3 days before your trip, make your bedtime and wake time 30 minutes later each day. For example:
    • If you normally wake up at 7:00, try waking up at 7:30, then at 8:00, then at 8:30.
    • If you normally go to bed at 11:00, try going to bed at 11:30, then at 12:00, then at 12:30.
  • To help with this, try to be around bright light in the evening, and avoid bright light for the first few hours after waking up.
During travel
  • Set your watch for the new time zone you will be in.
  • Set your watch for the new time zone you will be in.
  • To help your body start to adjust, do the following (based on what time it is in the place you are traveling to):
    • Avoid bright light in the early morning. On the plane, you can wear sunglasses and keep your window shades down to help with this.
    • Get lots of bright light in the late morning and early afternoon.
  • To help your body start to adjust, do the following (based on what time it is in the place you are traveling to):
    • Get lots of bright light in the late afternoon and evening.
    • Avoid bright light during the nighttime hours. On the plane, you can wear sunglasses, keep your window shades down, and avoid electronics to help with this.
  • Try to sleep when it is nighttime in the time zone you are traveling to.
  • If you cannot sleep during this time, avoid light (especially during the second half of the night). Dark sunglasses can help with this.
  • Try to sleep when it is nighttime in the time zone you are traveling to.
  • Try to stay up until the time you would normally go to bed in the time zone you are traveling to.
  • Avoid medicines that might make you sleepy during your flight.
  • Avoid medicines that might make you sleepy during your flight.
On arrival
  • Avoid early morning bright light.
  • Get lots of bright light in the late morning and early afternoon.
  • Avoid bright light at nighttime.
  • Get lots of bright light in the late afternoon and evening.
  • If you are taking melatonin, take it at the time you want to go to bed.
  • Falling asleep might be difficult the first few days.
  • Melatonin is not helpful.
  • Try to stay up to until the time you would normally go to bed.
  • Staying asleep might be difficult the first few days. Avoid electronics if you wake up during the night or in the very early morning.
  • Short naps (less than 45 minutes) and caffeine might help you feel more awake.
  • Short naps (less than 45 minutes) and caffeine might help you feel more awake.
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