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Choosing treatment for low-risk localized prostate cancer

Choosing treatment for low-risk localized prostate cancer
  Active surveillance Prostatectomy (surgery to remove the prostate gland) External-beam radiation therapy Brachytherapy
What are the benefits? You can delay and perhaps avoid the side effects that can come with surgery or radiation. The cancer is treated right away. The cancer is treated right away. The cancer is treated right away.
What are the downsides or side effects?

You will need regular monitoring and testing.

You know that you have cancer in your body, which might worry you.

Your cancer might start growing more quickly and be harder to treat.

This is major surgery. All surgeries can cause pain, infection, or bleeding.

Side effects can include trouble with sex and leaking urine.

Short-term side effects include having frequent bowel movements or urinating often.

Long-term side effects can include trouble with sex or having frequent bowel movements.

You need to avoid being near children or pregnant women during treatment.

Short-term side effects can include having frequent bowel movements, urinating a lot, or having pain with urination.

Long-term side effects can include trouble with sex and leaking urine.
Will I need further treatment? Yes, if your cancer starts to grow or become more aggressive. Probably not Probably not Probably not
What is the chance that my cancer will come back after treatment? The cancer stays in your body until it is treated. Many men will have treatment for their cancer at some point. Very low Very low Very low
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