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Patient education: Acute interstitial nephritis (The Basics)

Patient education: Acute interstitial nephritis (The Basics)

What is acute interstitial nephritis? — Acute interstitial nephritis is a rare condition that causes inflammation of the kidneys. Most of the time, it is caused by a reaction to certain medicines. These include medicines that treat pain, infections, and other conditions (table 1).

Diseases that involve the body's infection-fighting system (called "autoimmune diseases") and infections can also cause acute interstitial nephritis.

What are the symptoms of acute interstitial nephritis? — Some people have no symptoms. But symptoms can include:

Feeling sick to your stomach (nausea)

Throwing up (vomiting)

Feeling very tired

Rash – This looks like small, flat red bumps and can happen anywhere on the body.

Urine that looks cloudy or red

Are there tests for acute interstitial nephritis? — Yes. Tests include:

Blood tests

Urine tests

Sometimes, a doctor might do a kidney "biopsy." For this test, the doctor takes a small sample of tissue from your kidney to look at under the microscope. Usually, the doctor will get this sample by inserting a needle straight through the skin in the back and into the kidney.

How is acute interstitial nephritis treated? — Most people get better after they stop the medicine that caused the condition. Some people also take medicines called steroids. These medicines help reduce inflammation. These are not the same as the steroids some athletes use illegally.

Can acute interstitial nephritis be prevented? — Most people who take the medicines that can cause acute interstitial nephritis do not get it. But if you have had acute interstitial nephritis in the past, you can reduce your chances of getting it again by avoiding the medicine that caused it the first time.

This topic retrieved from UpToDate on: Jan 02, 2023.
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