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ISCD indications for VFA

ISCD indications for VFA
Lateral spine imaging with standard radiography or densitometric VFA is indicated when T-score is <–1.0 and one or more of the following is present:
Women age ≥70 years or men age ≥80 years
Historical height loss >4 cm (>1.5 inches)
Self-reported but undocumented prior vertebral fracture
Glucocorticoid therapy equivalent to ≥5 mg of prednisone or equivalent per day for ≥3 months
ISCD: International Society for Clinical Densitometry; VFA: vertebral fracture assessment.
Shuhart CR, Yeap SS, Anderson PA, et al. Executive Summary of the 2019 ISCD Position Development Conference on Monitoring Treatment, DXA Cross-calibration and Least Significant Change, Spinal Cord Injury, Peri-prosthetic and Orthopedic Bone Health, Transgender Medicine, and Pediatrics. J Clin Densitom 2019; 22:453.
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