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Resolution and recurrence of increased T2 signal associated with focal status epilepticus after seven days of pentobarbital anesthesia

Resolution and recurrence of increased T2 signal associated with focal status epilepticus after seven days of pentobarbital anesthesia
Patient was a 12 year old girl who presented 14 days before with epilepsia partialis continua arising from the right hemisphere.
(A) Axial FLAIR MR image obtained on day 14 prior to anesthetic treatment.
(B) Axial FLAIR MR image obtained after seven days of pentobarbital anesthesia titrated to produce burst-suppression on continuous EEG monitoring. Note T2 signal changes have largely resolved.
(C) Axial FLAIR MR image obtained 7 days after anesthetics were discontinued and epilepsia partialis had recurred.
MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; FLAIR: fluid attenuated inversion recovery; EEG: electroencephalogram.
Reproduced with permission from: Doherty, CP, Cole, AJ, Grant, PE, et al. Multimodal longitudinal imaging of focal status epilepticus. Can J Neurol Sci 2004; 31:276. Copyright © Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences.
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