Your activity: 16 p.v.

Characteristics of common headache syndromes

Characteristics of common headache syndromes
Symptom Migraine headache Tension headache Cluster headache
Location Unilateral (one sided) in 60 to 70 percent; occurs on both sides of the forehead or all over the head in 30 percent of cases Bilateral (involves both sides of the head) Always unilateral, usually begins around the eye or temple
Characteristics Gradual in onset, builds up over time; pulsating; moderate or severe intensity; aggravated by routine physical activity Pressure or tightness which waxes and wanes Pain begins quickly, reaches a crescendo within minutes; pain is deep, continuous, excruciating, and explosive in quality
Activity Prefers to rest in a dark, quiet room May remain active or may need to rest Remains active
Duration 4 to 72 hours Variable 30 minutes to 3 hours
Associated symptoms Nausea, vomiting, photophobia (bothered by light), phonophobia (bothered by sound); may have aura (usually visual, but can involve other senses or cause speech or motor problems) None Tearing and redness of the eye on the same side as the headache; stuffy, runny nose; pallor; sweating; eye drooping; rarely neurologic deficits; sensitivity to alcohol
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