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Clinical variants of multiple keratoacanthomas

Clinical variants of multiple keratoacanthomas
Type Characteristics Genetic features
Generalized eruptive keratoacanthomas of Grzybowski

Presents in fifth to seventh decade

Multiple follicular-based papules and ulcerated nodules

100s to 1000s of lesions

Predilection for the trunk, extremities, and inner mouth

Disfigurement due to facial lesions (ectropion)

Individual lesions spontaneously regress with scar formation

Sporadic disorder
Multiple self-healing squamous epithelioma (Ferguson-Smith disease)

Present in second to third decade; mean age of 25

Multiple reddish macules that develop into papules and nodules that resemble solitary keratoacanthoma

Single lesion to 100s in number

Predilection for sites of trauma and sun-exposed areas, face, arms

Individual lesions involute spontaneously, but lesions may recur throughout life

Autosomal dominant

Loss of function mutations in TGFBR1 gene

Increased in patients with Scottish ancestry

Multiple familial keratoacanthoma of Witten and Zak

Clinical features of both generalized eruptive keratoacanthomas of Grzybowski and multiple self-healing squamous epithelioma

Larger lesions that tend to ulcerate

Locally destructive

Muir-Torre syndrome

May occur in both young and older patients

Multiple keratoacanthomas

Sebaceous tumors

Visceral malignancies (genitourinary and gastrointestinal)

Autosomal dominant

Defect in mismatch repair gene (MSH2 or MLH1)

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