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Clinical manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis through the disease course

Clinical manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis through the disease course
Joint inflammation and damage:
Synovial proliferation and joint effusion
Marginal joint erosions
Ligamentous laxity and joint deformity
Impaired physical function and quality of life
Indefinite need for DMARDs
Increased risk for development of other diseases
Cardiovascular disease
Malignancies (lymphoma, lung cancer, skin cancers, among others)
Pulmonary disease
Life expectancy of RA less than age- and sex-matched control populations, especially in patients with:
Polyarticular disease
Systemic extraarticular disease
Persistent disease activity (high ESR, CRP, and clinical disease activity measures)
Rheumatoid factor and circulating immune complex positivity
HLA-DRB1 "shared epitope" (especially biallelic)
DMARDs: disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs; RA: rheumatoid arthritis; ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate; CRP: C-reactive protein; HLA: human leukocyte antigen.
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