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Comparison of weight loss surgeries

Comparison of weight loss surgeries
  Roux-en-Y gastric bypass Gastric sleeve Gastric balloon
How high must my BMI be? >40 or
>35 with a disease related to obesity* or
>30 with certain diseases related to obesity
How quickly will I lose weight? Usually quickly Less quickly Gradually
Can it be done through a scope? Yes Yes Yes
Will my intestines be re-routed? Yes No No
Will a device stay in my body? No No Yes, for 6 months
Will I be able to return to my normal activities after surgery? Yes Yes Yes
How often will I have follow-up visits? Every 3 to 4 months in the first year, then annually Every 3 to 4 months in the first year, then annually Every 2 months for 6 months, then as needed
Will I need regular follow-up with a nutritionist? Yes Yes Yes
About what percentage of my extra weight can I expect to lose after 1 year? 60 to 75 60 to 65 20 to 30
About what percentage of my extra weight can I expect to lose after 2 to 3 years? 50 to 75 66 Unknown
Should I expect my other medical problems to improve?* Yes Yes Yes
Will I have trouble absorbing nutrients and medicines? Some Minimal if any Occasionally
Will it be possible to adjust the size of my stomach or how much I can eat? No No No
What are the chances I will need more surgery? Lower Unknown Unknown
Will it affect my heartburn symptoms? Will most likely help symptoms May make symptoms worse May make symptoms worse while the balloon is in
Other concerns Patients may develop dumping syndromeΔ Long-term outcomes are unknown Only meant to stay in for 6 months; long-term outcomes are unknown
* Related diseases include diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and high cholesterol.
¶ These include diseases such as difficult-to-control type II diabetes or metabolic syndrome (also called "insulin resistance syndrome" or "syndrome X").
Δ Dumping syndrome causes nausea, shaking, sweating, diarrhea, and other symptoms soon after eating.
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