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Foods and beverages that are better tolerated by irritable bowel syndrome patients

Foods and beverages that are better tolerated by irritable bowel syndrome patients
Water, Ginger Ale, Sprite, and Gatorade.
Soy milk or rice milk.
Soy or rice based products.
Plain pasta, plain noodles, white rice. No sauces or gravies.
Potato: boiled or baked. No French Fries.
Breads: French, Italian, whole white, English muffins, and white rolls.
Plain fish, plain chicken, plain turkey, or plain ham.
Eggs: soft-boiled, poached.
Cereals: Plain Cornflakes, Rice Krispies, Corn or Rice Chex, Cheerios; dry or with soymilk or rice milk.
Salads: lettuce, hard-boiled egg slices, oil and vinegar dressing.
Cooked peas, carrots (avoid raw vegetables).
Margarine, jams, jellies, peanut butter.
In small amounts: applesauce, cantaloupe, watermelon, honeydew melon.
In small amounts: fruit cocktail, peaches, pears (canned, non-dietetic).
Substitutes and alternatives are available for the foods and beverages that induce gastrointestinal symptoms. Listed above are examples of some of the foods and beverages that IBS patents have found to be well tolerated. It is important to use daily vitamins (multivitamin, calcium with vitamin D, folic acid, vitamin B complex, and vitamin C) when on a restricted diet.
Adapted from: MacDermott RP. Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome in outpatients with inflammatory bowel disease using a food and beverage intolerance, food and beverage avoidance diet. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2007; 13:91.
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