Your activity: 6 p.v.

Foods with high levels of potassium

Foods with high levels of potassium
Grains Whole-grain breads, wheat bran, granola and granola bars
Beverages Sports drinks (Gatorade, etc), instant breakfast mix, soy milk, coffee/tea (limit to 16 fluid ounces)
Snack foods/sweets Fig cookies, chocolate (1.5 to 2 ounces), molasses (1 tablespoon)
Fruits Apricots, avocado (¼ whole), bananas (½ whole), coconut, melon (cantaloupe and honeydew), kiwi, mango, nectarines, oranges, orange juice, papaya, pears (fresh), plantains, pomegranate (and juice), dried fruits (apricots [5 halves], dates [5], figs, prunes, raisins), prune juice, yams
Vegetables Bamboo shoots, baked or refried beans, beets, broccoli (cooked), Brussels sprouts, cabbage (raw), carrots (raw), chard, greens (except kale), kohlrabi, olives, mushrooms (canned), potatoes (white and sweet), parsnips, pickles, pumpkin, rutabaga, sauerkraut, spinach (cooked), squash (acorn, butternut, hubbard), tomato, tomato sauce, tomato juice, and vegetable juice cocktail
Dairy products Milk and milk products, buttermilk, yogurt
Proteins (3-ounce serving) Clams, sardines, scallops, lobster, whitefish, salmon (and most other fish), ground beef, sirloin steak (and most other beef products), pinto beans, kidney beans, black beans, navy beans (and most other peas and beans, serving size is ½ cup)
Soups Read label for potassium as many low-sodium soups and bouillon cubes or broth may have added potassium
Condiments Imitation bacon bits, salt substitutes, or lite salt made with potassium
Nuts, seeds, and legumes Tofu, lentils, adzuki beans, most legumes, peanut butter, most nuts, and most seeds (including sunflower seeds)
Unless noted, one serving is ½ cup (4 ounces). These foods have more than 200 mg of potassium per serving, and should be avoided or eaten in very small portions if you are limiting potassium.
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