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Types of therapeutic exercise

Types of therapeutic exercise
Type of exercise Description
Flexibility exercises
Static stretching Target muscle is stretched and held for 30 seconds or longer
Progressive velocity flexibility program Stretches muscles at higher velocities over time
Strengthening exercises
Isometric Muscle contracts without changing length
Isotonic Muscle contracts against fixed resistance throughout its arc of motion
Isokinetic The speed of muscle contraction is constant
Concentric Contract or shorten muscles during exercise (eg, flexion phase of biceps curl)
Eccentric Controlled lengthening of the muscle against resistance (eg, extension phase of biceps curl)
Closed kinetic chain Distal extremity is fixed (eg, squat)
Open kinetic chain Distal extremity is not fixed (eg, straight leg raise in supine)
Functional Strengthen muscles in their position of normal use or function; generally replicate movements or patterns of movements used in sports activity
Endurance exercises High-repetition, low-load
Power exercises
Plyometric activities (eg, bouncing, box jumps, rebounders, and explosive/ballistic exercise) Use the stretch-shortening cycle to get a greater force of contraction
Agility drills Figure-eight running, zigzag running, shuttle running, carioca, retro running, cross-over cutting
Data from: Anderson SJ. Principles of rehabilitation. In: Care of the Young Athlete, Sullivan JA, Anderson SJ (Eds). American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons: American Academy of Pediatrics, Rosemont, IL 2000. p.267.
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