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Secondary survey physical examination in the pediatric trauma patient

Secondary survey physical examination in the pediatric trauma patient
Inspect and palpate face and scalp
Eye examination
Visual acuity (if alert)
Pupillary size
Hemorrhage (conjunctiva, fundi)
Penetrating injury
Contact lenses (remove if indicated)
Ocular entrapment
Periorbital ecchymosis (Raccoon eyes)
Ear examination
Hemotympanum, bleeding, perforation
Retro-auricular ecchymosis (Battle's sign)
Midface examination
Inspect for nasal swelling, deformity, bleeding, or clear rhinorrhea
Inspect for oral trauma, malocclusion, intraoral lacerations
Palpate maxilla for evidence of LeFort fracture (palatal instability with anterior to posterior pressure on the upper teeth)
Cervical spine and neck
If maxillofacial/head trauma sustained, presume unstable cervical spine injury and immobilize neck until c-spine adequately evaluated
Inspect and palpate neck
Tracheal deviation
Distended neck veins
C-spine tenderness
Subcutaneous emphysema
Crepitus over larynx (concerning for laryngeal fracture)
Carotid artery bruits
Active range of motion (in awake, cooperative patient without distracting injuries)
Penetrating neck injury
Inspect to determine if injury may be through the platysma
Inspect and palpate chest, including the clavicle, ribs, and sternum
Open pneumothorax/large flail segment
Tenderness/bony deformity
Breath sounds
Heart sounds
Inspect and palpate abdomen
Seat belt sign/bruises (Cullen's sign)
Focal tenderness
Peritoneal signs
Auscultate for bowel sounds
Males-urethral bleeding
Females-vaginal bleeding
Rectal examination
May be performed at the end of spinal examination when the body is already turned onto the side
Assess for blood in bowel lumen
Sphincter tone
Males (teenage/adult)--palpate for high-riding prostate
Inspect and palpate extremities
Identify fractures/dislocations
Assess pulses for presence and strength
Inspect and palpate pelvis
Pain on palpation of pelvic ring
Mobility of pelvis with anterior-to-posterior pressure with heels of hands on both anterior iliac spines
Logroll patient to inspect and palpate back
Examine for step-offs or focal tenderness
Inspect under the axillae
Comprehensive neurological examination
Re-evaluation of patient's level of consciousness
Re-evaluation of patient's pupillary size
Motor evaluation
Sensory evaluation
1. American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma. Advanced Trauma Life Support: Student Course Manual, 10th ed, American College of Surgeons, Chicago 2018.
2. Jaffe D, Wesson D. Emergency management of blunt trauma in children. N Engl J Med 1991; 324:1477.
3. Waltzman ML, Mooney DP. Major Trauma. In: Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, 5th ed, Fleisher GR, Ludwig S, Henretig FM (Eds), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia 2006.
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