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Predicted peak expiratory flow (PEF; liters/minute) for females age 20 to 70 years

Predicted peak expiratory flow (PEF; liters/minute) for females age 20 to 70 years
55 inches/140 cm 60 inches/152 cm 65 inches/165 cm 70 inches/178 cm 75 inches/190 cm
20 333 372 418 468 517
25 340 379 425 475 524
30 344 383 429 479 528
35 344 383 430 479 529
40 342 381 427 477 526
45 336 376 422 471 521
50 328 367 413 463 512
55 316 323 401 451 501
60 301 341 387 436 486
65 283 323 369 419 468
70 263 302 348 398 447
For patients who do not know their personal best PEF, this table can help estimate an expected "personal best." This table uses a prediction equation for White females age 20 to 70 years. Refer to UpToDate calculator for values for additional age, height, and race/ethnicity parameters.
  1. Hankinson JL, Odencrantz JR, Fedan KB. Spirometric reference values from a sample of the general U.S. population. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1999; 159(1):179.
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