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Summary of the more common neurologic manifestations of hyperthyroidism and Graves' disease

Summary of the more common neurologic manifestations of hyperthyroidism and Graves' disease
  Cardinal features Relative frequency
Cognitive dysfunction Ranges from mild inattention and anxiety to agitated delirium, rarely coma Common, especially with acute and more severe thyrotoxicosis
Seizures Usually generalized tonic-clonic seizures that usually occur with encephalopathy in acute thyrotoxicosis Uncommon
Tremor High frequency, low amplitude Common
Chorea Unifocal or multifocal, sustained or paroxysmal Rare
Stroke Usually cardioembolic, associated with thyrotoxic-induced atrial fibrillation Rare
Myopathy Usually mild proximal muscle weakness with normal serum CK Common, but may be subclinical

Usually an axonal sensory polyneuropathy

Rare demyelinating polyneuropathy

Approximately 25 percent, but may be subclinical
Myasthenia gravis Perhaps more likely to be ocular rather than generalized Uncommon
Periodic paralysis Usually associated with hypokalemia Rare
Graves' ophthalmopathy Proptosis, restricted eye movements Approximately 25 percent of patients with Graves' disease
CK: creatine kinase.
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