Your activity: 8 p.v.

Tips for increasing contraceptive adherence among adolescent females*

Tips for increasing contraceptive adherence among adolescent females*
Contraceptive method Potential barriers to adherence Strategies to increase adherence
Oral contraceptive pills

Failure to refill prescription

Forgetting to take pill

Using pills sporadically

Not using a back-up method when necessary
  • Tell (and ask the adolescent to repeat back) three things:
  • When to start the pill
  • Take the pill every day at the same time (eg, when brushing teeth)
  • Call the clinic/office if there are any questions
Desire to avoid monthly periods
  • Extended-cycle or continuous pill use
Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate Failure to make/keep appointment for next shot
  • Schedule the appointment for the next shot when the adolescent is in the clinic/office and ask them to set the alarm on their cell phone as a reminder
  • Schedule injections 11 to 12 weeks apart rather than 13 to 15 weeks
Transdermal patch Requires weekly change
  • Use a wall, computer, or cell phone calendar
  • Use a cell phone alarm
  • Place a sticker designating the change day on the bathroom mirror
Vaginal ring Requires change every three weeks
  • Use a wall, computer, or cell phone calendar
  • Use a cell phone alarm
  • Place a sticker designating the change day on the bathroom mirror
Condoms Must be available at time of sexual activity
  • Provide condoms to the adolescent before they leaves the clinic/office
  • Suggest that the adolescent carry condoms in their bag

* The intrauterine device and contraceptive implant are recommended as first-line methods of contraception in adolescents. They are effective, safe, and reversible and adherence is not an issue.

¶ Provide the adolescent with a list of the following information: the clinic/office name, a contact person, the clinic/office phone number, and instructions about what to do if they miss a dose.
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