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Definitions of disorders of unexplained cytopenias

Definitions of disorders of unexplained cytopenias
  ARCH CHIP ICUS CCUS Lower-risk MDS Higher-risk MDS
Clonality (VAF %) Any, but generally <2% ≥2% <2% ≥2% Variable; usually ≥2% Variable; usually ≥2%
Dysplasia <10% <10% <10% ≥10% in most cases ≥10% in most cases
Cytopenias + + + +
BM blast % <5% <5% <5% <5% <5% <20%
Risk of progression to AML Very low Very low Very low Low Low High
VAF: variant allele frequency; ARCH: aging-related clonal hematopoiesis; CHIP: clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential; ICUS: idiopathic cytopenia of undetermined significance; CCUS: clonal cytopenia of undetermined significance; MDS: myelodysplastic syndromes; BM: bone marrow; AML: acute myeloid leukemia.
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