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ASK-TELL-ASK mnemonic: A process for delivering new information

ASK-TELL-ASK mnemonic: A process for delivering new information
  • ASK (Are they ready to talk about results, prognosis, treatment options)
    •  eg, "Are you ready to hear about the biopsy?"
  • TELL (Give information in small, clear amounts; build on what the patient knows)
    • eg, "The biopsy showed cancer in your lungs."
  • ASK (Check to be sure they understand)
    • eg, "Is that what you expected?"

Repeat cycle as many times as needed

ASK: "Would you like to hear about treatment options?" (if "Yes", then TELL and re-ASK)

ASK: "Would you like to hear my recommendations?" (if "Yes", then TELL and re-ASK)

Tell me more (about areas or statements that you don't understand)

"Tell me more about what is concerning you most."

"Tell me more about your family's concerns."

Be prepared to respond to emotion

Source: Back AL, Arnold RM, Baile WF, et al. Approaching difficult communication tasks in oncology. CA Cancer J Clin 2005; 55:164.
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