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Current legal status of physician-assisted death in the United States by state as of May 2021

Current legal status of physician-assisted death in the United States by state as of May 2021
Physician-assisted death is legal in 11 states:
  • California End of Life Option Act (legislative action), Cal. Health & Safety Code §§ 443.1–.22
  • Colorado End of Life Options Act (referendum), Colo. Rev. Stat. §§ 25-48-101 to -123
  • District of Columbia Death with Dignity Act (legislative council action), D.C. Code §§ 7-661.01–.16
  • Hawaii Our Care Our Choice Act (legislative action), Haw. Rev. Stat. §§ 327L-1 to -25
  • Maine Death with Dignity Act (legislative action), Me. Stat. tit. 22, § 2140
  • Montana, not illegal (state Supreme Court decision), Baxter v. Montana, 224 P.3d 1211 (Mont. 2009)
  • New Jersey Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act (legislative action), N.J. Stat. §§ 26:16-1 to -20
  • New Mexico Elizabeth Whitefield End of Life Options Act (legislative action), H.B. 47, 55th Legis. (2021)
  • Oregon Death with Dignity Act (referendum), Or. Rev. Stat. §§ 127.800–.897
  • Vermont Patient Choice and Control at End of Life Act (legislative action), Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 18, §§ 5281–93
  • Washington State Death with Dignity Act 9 (voter initiative), Wash. Rev. Code §§ 70.245.010-.220–.904 
Legislative or initiative action concerning physician-assisted death is pending in many states.
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