Your activity: 8 p.v.

Foods that contain gluten

Foods that contain gluten
Foods that definitely contain gluten
Wheat (einkorn, durum, faro, graham, kamut, semolina, spelt)
Beers, ales, and lagers*
Breading, bread crumbs, and coating mixes*
Brewer's yeast
Communion wafers/hosts*
Malt, malt flavoring, malt extract derived from barley, malt vinegar*
Matzo and matzo meal*
Soy sauce*
Stuffing (for poultry)*
Foods that may contain gluten
Broth, bouillon, or soup stock
Brown rice syrup
Cake frosting
Dates (if rolled in oat flour)
Drink mixes
Energy bars
Flavored teas and coffees
Flavored spirits (eg, raspberry vodka)
Flour or cereal products
Hard ciders, hard seltzers, hard lemonades, hard iced teas (varies with type)
Imitation products (eg, imitation seafood)
Medicines (both over-the-counter and prescription, including probiotics)
Oats (unless they are labeled "gluten-free")
Processed meats (eg, jerky or sausages)
Rice pilaf and other packaged rice mixtures
Salad dressing
Sauces, gravies, marinades, and thickeners
Seasonings and smoke flavoring
Seasoned chips, nuts, and seeds
Self-basting poultry
Vitamins and herbal supplements
Children's play products that may contain gluten
Note: Some of these play products are made from flour or contain gluten. Children with celiac disease can play with these products, but they should wash their hands after playing.
Paper maché
Other various art supplies
For the foods that might contain gluten, it depends on their ingredients and where they were made. To know for sure, you will need to check the ingredient label.
* These products usually contain gluten, unless specifically labeled "gluten-free."
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